Cabbage or Weeds- Part 2
I am absolutely certain the farmer did not plant the weeds in those fields. The weeds grew because the fields had been neglected. Something is being planted in the lives of your children. If you neglect the job of planting the Word of God in your child’s life then something else will grow.
A good intention does not grow cabbages. Hoping for a good crop does not produce one either. If you want to grow cabbages you must plant them. If you want your children to know the Bible and the God of the Bible, then you must deliberately plant seeds of truth in their lives.
Let me sidetrack for a moment. Do children- or adults for that matter- really need a biblical foundation; or are good morals sufficient? This is huge! A biblical foundation is essential because the seed of God’s Word has power to reproduce itself, while morals alone are driven by human will power. While I understand we must exert human effort to do the right thing, human effort alone does not produce the life or energy that is needed to overcome sin. The seed of the Living Word has life potential inside when cultivated and reproduced in our lives. That cultivation of living seed produces a good crop and a great harvest of whatever we have planted; a delightful harvest that gives you tremendous benefits.
But I need to say it again, “If you don’t plant, you don’t harvest!” If this principle is so obvious, then why don’t we understand that we must plant the Word of God in our children’s hearts? Do you think it’s the church or the children’s pastor’s job to invest and plant God’s Word in your child’s heart? That’s not what I see in the Scripture. Proverbs 22:6 KJV “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Do you think the school system is going to train your child? Something is going to grow in the heart of your child…you can plant good seeds there, but wishing won’t plant them.
When I pass by those empty, weed infested, over-grown fields, I’m saddened. I want to see those emerald-green cabbages growing. But I’m not gonna plant anything in those fields. I don’t have that responsibility or desire, but I do for my yard and my garden. I absolutely have that responsibility for my children and even in a support role, my grandchildren.
Is it easy? No! Kids want to be entertained every minute. They plug in a video on the way to the grocery store…they whine if they have nothing to do for 5 minutes…I’m bored. They’re over stimulated; going around and around on a merry-go-round without responsibilities or self-esteem because we have not guided them with purpose and The Purpose. It’s time that believers join the ranks of the Joshua’s that declare and do “…but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”(Joshua 24:15)
Does it require preparation…creativity…commitment? Yes, it does. God trusted you with those kids; don’t send them out without preparing them for life. You give them swimming lessons to prepare them for the water. Give them the Word to prepare them for life.
Now for some really good news! When you plant God’s Word in their hearts, it will accomplish something. Isaiah 55:11 NLT “so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Seeds take cultivation and time, so be patient, believe God and keep planting. You will reap a harvest if you don’t faint.
Tomorrow I will post 10 suggestions to help you plant God’s Word in children’s hearts through devotions.
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