But what about our children? They are also hearing the news. They are feeling the crunch. They are fearful. God never intended for believers to be engulfed by fear. He sent Jesus, the Prince of Peace, to provide freedom from fear. But, how can we have peace in troubled times? Is peace really possible when the news is so bad? Absolutely! Peace can and should be a believers reality, even in troubled times.
I think Halloween is a great time to talk about fear, especially this year. Children need real answers on how to have peace in troubled times. Here are some thoughts and suggestions:
1. Teach your children to ask for peace. They need the Prince of Peace to fill their hearts with Peace.
2. Purposefully redirect their focus from the Bad News to the Good News-the promises of God. Give them specific promises to memorize and meditate upon. Share Bible stories and modern stories of the protection and provision of God. Teach them how to find specific promises from the Bible for the things that trouble them.
3. Teach them to guard their thoughts and to pray the scriptures aloud when fearful thoughts come and to pray the solution, not the problem.
4. Teach them to trust God.
5. Lastly, help them develop an attitude of gratitude, continually expressing thanks to God.
We have some wonderful resources to help you teach on peace.
Icky, yucky eyeball? No way! Powerful effective object lesson to remind us of God's watchful eye.
In The News
Are you tired of all the bad news in the papers? With this truly amazing trick you'll pour water into the paper, open the paper to show the dry pages inside and then pour the water out into a glass.
Our Gospel Dollar has been cut into four pieces. If you assemble the pieces with the back (green side) showing, the four pieces make a complete dollar bill. If you turn them over and assemble them with the front showing (the black side), there is a rectangular piece missing in the center. Remember- the spectator is the one who does the actual assembling of the pieces. The surprise comes when spectator assembles the face-up bill and it has a hole in it. Jesus' picture is missing!